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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 2 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 2

From: Co-dimension two bifurcations analysis of a delayed tumor model with Allee effect

Figure 2

Trajectories of system (1) with different parameters and initializations in regions (I and IX) of Fig. 1, where the \((\tau ,r)\) of I, IX are \((5,0.1)\) and \((5.15,0.0975)\), respectively. (a)The initial values of the variable are \((0.6001,5.1389)\) and \((0.2333,2.159)\), and they finally stabilize to periodic solutions with large amplitude and small amplitude respectively. (b)The initial value of the variable is \((0.25526,2.5469)\). In fact, it is similar to (a), but the periodic solution fluctuates many times before it is stable. (c) and (d) have the same initial values \((0.2797,2.862)\) and \((0.286326,3.04507)\). (c) Coexistence of two unstable solutions. (d)With the increase of time, it finally stabilizes to the origin

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