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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 2 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 2

From: A mathematical model for the spread of COVID-19 and control mechanisms in Saudi Arabia

Figure 2

Diagram of the schematic representation of the flow of individuals among different stages of the infection. The mathematical model is called EIISSRREx-model and considers two distinct susceptible compartments: \(S_{M}\) the most susceptible individuals and \(S_{L}\) the less susceptible individuals. Also, there are uninfected I, infected individuals, asymptomatic, and symptomatic individuals. \(I_{U}\) stands for the infected individuals and there are asymptomatic/undiagnosed (undetected) and those who will recover \(R_{U}\); \(R_{D}\) represents those diagnosed, hospitalized individuals that will recover; E represents the group of those diagnosed hospitalized individuals who die

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