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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 1 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 1

From: Solving fuzzy \((1+ n)\)-dimensional Burgers’ equation

Figure 1

(a) Example 4.1, Case (A), (B), (C), and (D) \(x = 0.1, t = 1, n = 1\), (b) Example 4.2, Case (A), (B), (C), and (D) \(x = 0.001, y = 1, t = 0, n = 2\), (c) Example 4.3, Case (A), (B), (C), and (D) \(x = 0.02, y = 0, z = 0, t = 0.7, n = 3\), (d) Example 4.4, Case (A), (B), (C), and (D) (Let \(x_{1} = 0\), \(x_{2} = 0.1\), \(x_{3} = 0.2\), \(x_{4} = 0.3\), \(x_{5} = 0.4, x_{6} = 0.5, x_{7} = 0.6, x_{8} = 0.7, x_{9} = 0.8, x_{10} = 0.9, x_{11} = 1\)), \(t = 0.0002\), \(n = 4\)

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