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Theory and Modern Applications

Table 1 Biological meaning of parameters for dengue model (1)

From: Analysis of dengue model with fractal-fractional Caputo–Fabrizio operator



\(\varPi _{m}\)

Recruitment rate of mosquito


Average biting rate per mosquito per person

\(\alpha _{h}\)

Transmission probability from infected human to susceptible mosquito

\(\mu _{m}\)

Natural death rate of mosquito

\(\beta _{m}\)

Extrinsic incubation of mosquito

\(\varPi _{h}\)

Recruitment rate of human

\(\alpha _{v}\)

Transmission probability from infected mosquito to susceptible human

\(\beta _{h}\)

Extrinsic incubation of human

\(\psi _{h}\)

Rate of hospitalization and/or notification of infected human

\(\omega _{h}\)

Natural recovery rate of infected human

\(\sigma _{h}\)

Recovery rate of hospitalized and/or notified infected human

\(\tau _{h}\)

Disease-related death rate of human

\(\nu _{h}\)

Natural death rate of human