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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 7 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 7

From: Numerical study and stability of the Lengyel–Epstein chemical model with diffusion

Figure 7

(a)–(d) Numerical solutions of systems (32) and (49) using Euler method. Here, \(u_{0} = 1 + \sin (x)\) and \(v_{0} = 2 + \cos (x)\), with \(l = 5\), \(m = 1\), \(\kappa_{1} =0.01\), and \(\kappa_{2} =0.01\). The plots of solutions \(v(x,\tau )\) and \(u(x,\tau )\) shows divergent behavior. (e)–(h) Numerical solutions of systems (32) and (49) using Crank–Nicolson method. Here, \(u_{0} = 1 + \sin (x)\) and \(v_{0} = 2 + \cos (x)\), with \(l = 5\), \(m = 1\), \(\kappa_{1} =0.01\), and \(\kappa_{2} =0.01\)

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