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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 2 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 2

From: Non-linear population discrete models with two time scales: re-scaling of part of the slow process

Figure 2

Comparison between the complete and the reduced systems. Total population corresponding to certain initial conditions for system (18) and for system (16) for three different values of k, i.e., \(k\in \{1,5,10\}\). The simulations have been run until time \(t=10^{4}\) and only the last 6 times are shown. Parameter values: \(s_{1}^{1}=0.3\), \(s_{2}^{1}=0.47\), \(s_{3}^{1}=0.7\), \(s_{1}^{2}=s_{2}^{2}=s_{3}^{2}=0.5\), \(\phi ^{1}=3.8\), \(\phi ^{2}=3.5\), \(c_{1}=c_{2}=1\), \(d_{1}=5.3\), \(d_{2}=5.6\), \(v_{1}^{1}=0.3\), \(v_{2}^{1}=0.25\), \(v_{3}^{1}=0.1\). Initial condition: \(X(0)=(0.02,0.02,0.05,0.05,0.02,0.02)\)

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