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Theory and Modern Applications

Table 1 Variables and parameters used in the model

From: Threshold dynamics of a predator–prey model with age-structured prey




number of juvenile prey at time t


number of mature prey at time t


number of the predator at time t


density of the juvenile prey at time t of age a


density of the mature prey at time t of age a


per capita mortality rate of mature prey


per capita mortality rate of juvenile prey


per capita mortality rate for the predator


prey juvenile biomass encounter rate


prey adult biomass encounter rate


the age-specific fertility rate or birth rate


the handling (digestion) time per unit biomass consumed


the per capita capture rate of juvenile prey by a searching predator


the per capita capture rate of mature prey by a searching predator


maturation time of juvenile prey


egg laying rate of mature prey


maximum per capita female egg release


the effects of the predation on the fertility of mature prey: \((\theta U_{2})/(1+\theta U_{2})\)