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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 7 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 7

From: Unconditional stable numerical techniques for a water-quality model in a non-uniform flow stream

Figure 7

The approximated pollutant concentration using the new fourth-order scheme and employing the Saulyev scheme at \(\pmb{x= 500}\) m for all \(\pmb{0\leq t \leq 133}\) min while \(\pmb{(\Delta x = 0.05, \Delta t = 0.000625, \Delta t/(\Delta x)^{2}=0.25)}\) , \(\pmb{(\Delta t = 0.00125, \Delta t/(\Delta x)^{2}=2.0)}\) , \(\pmb{(\Delta x = 0.025, \Delta t = 0.000625, \Delta t/(\Delta x)^{2}=1.0)}\) and \(\pmb{(\Delta x = 0.05, \Delta t = 0.00125, \Delta t/(\Delta x)^{2}=0.50)}\) .

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