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Theory and Modern Applications

Approximate perfect differential equations of second order


In this paper we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the perfect linear differential equation f(t) y ″ (t)+ f 1 (t) y ′ (t)+ f 2 (t)y(t)=Q(t), where f,y∈ C 2 [a,b], Q∈C[a,b], f 2 (t)= f 1 ′ (t)− f ″ (t) and −∞<a<b<+∞.

MSC:34K20, 26D10, 39B82, 34K06, 39B72.

1 Introduction

The question concerning the stability of group homomorphisms was posed by Ulam [1]. Hyers [2] solved the case of approximately additive mappings in Banach spaces and T.M. Rassias generalized the result of Hyers [3].

Definition 1.1 Let X be a normed space over a scalar field and let I be an open interval. Assume that a 0 , a 1 ,…, a n , h:I→K are continuous functions. We say that the differential equation

a n (t) y ( n ) (t)+ a n − 1 (t) y ( n − 1 ) (t)+⋯+ a 1 (t) y ′ (t)+ a 0 (t)y(t)+h(t)=0

has the Hyers-Ulam stability if, for any function f:I→X satisfying the differential inequality

∥ a n ( t ) y ( n ) ( t ) + a n − 1 ( t ) y ( n − 1 ) ( t ) + ⋯ + a 1 ( t ) y ′ ( t ) + a 0 y ( t ) + h ( t ) ∥ ≤ε

for all t∈I and some ε≥0, there exists a solution g:I→X of (1.1) such that ∥f(t)−g(t)∥≤K(ε) for all t∈I, where K(ε) is a function depending only on ε.

Obłoza [4, 5] was the first author who investigated the Hyers-Ulam stability of differential equations (also see [6]).

Jung [7] solved the inhomogeneous differential equation of the form y ″ +2x y ′ −2ny= ∑ m = 0 ∞ a m x m , where n is a positive integer, and he used this result to prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the differential equation y ″ +2x y ′ −2ny=0 in a special class of analytic functions.

Li and Shen [8] proved that if the characteristic equation λ 2 +αλ+β=0 has two different positive roots, then the linear differential equation of second order with constant coefficients y ″ (x)+α y ′ (x)+βy(x)=f(x) has the Hyers-Ulam stability where y∈ C 2 [a,b], f∈C[a,b] and −∞<a<b<+∞ (see also [9, 10]). Abdollahpour and Najati [11] proved that the third-order differential equation y ( 3 ) (t)+α y ″ (t)+β y ′ (t)+γy(t)=f(t) has the Hyers-Ulam stability. Ghaemi et al. [12] proved the Hyers-Ulam stability of the exact second-order linear differential equation

p 0 (x) γ ″ + p 1 (x) γ ′ + p 2 (x)γ+f(x)=0

with p 0 ″ (x)− p 1 ′ (x)+ p 2 (x)=0. Here p 0 , p 1 , p 2 , f:(a,b)→R are continuous functions. For more results about the Hyers-Ulam stability of differential equations, we can refer to [13–21].

Definition 1.2 We say that the differential equation

f(t) y ″ (t)+ f 1 (t) y ′ (t)+ f 2 (t)y(t)=Q(t),

is perfect if it can be written as d d t [f(t) y ′ (t)+( f 1 (t)− f ′ (t))y(t)]=Q(t).

It is clear that the differential equation (1.2) is perfect if and only if f 2 (t)= f 1 ′ (t)− f ″ (t). The aim of this paper is to investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of the perfect differential equation (1.2), where f,y∈ C 2 [a,b], Q∈C[a,b], f 1 ∈ C 1 [a,b], f 2 (t)= f 1 ′ (t)− f ″ (t) and −∞<a<b<+∞. More precisely, we prove that the equation (1.2) has the Hyers-Ulam stability.

2 Hyers-Ulam stability of the perfect differential equation f(t) y ″ (t)+ f 1 (t) y ′ (t)+ f 2 (t)y(t)=Q(t)

In the following theorem, we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the differential equation (1.2).

Throughout this section, a and b are real numbers with −∞<a<b<+∞.

Theorem 2.1 The perfect differential equation

f(t) y ″ (t)+ f 1 (t) y ′ (t)+ f 2 (t)y(t)=Q(t)

has the Hyers-Ulam stability, where f,y∈ C 2 [a,b], f 1 ∈ C 1 [a,b], Q∈C[a,b] and f(t)≠0 for all t∈[a,b].

Proof Let ε>0 and y∈ C 2 [a,b] with

| f ( t ) y ″ ( t ) + f 1 ( t ) y ′ ( t ) + f 2 ( t ) y ( t ) − Q ( t ) | ⩽ε.

Let g(t)=f(t) y ′ +( f 1 (t)− f ′ (t))y for all t∈[a,b]. It is clear that

| g ′ ( t ) − Q ( t ) | = | f ( t ) y ″ ( t ) + f 1 ( t ) y ′ ( t ) + f 2 ( t ) y ( t ) − Q ( t ) | ⩽ε.

We define

z(x)=g(b)− ∫ x b Q(t)dt,x∈[a,b].


z ′ (x)=Q(x),x∈[a,b].

Also, we have

| z ( x ) − g ( x ) | = | g ( b ) − g ( x ) − ∫ x b Q ( t ) d t | = | ∫ x b g ′ ( t ) d t − ∫ x b Q ( t ) d t | ⩽ ∫ x b | g ′ ( t ) − Q ( t ) | d t ⩽ ε ( b − a )

for all x∈[a,b]. Now we define

F(x)= 1 f ( x ) exp { ∫ a x f 1 ( t ) f ( t ) d t } ,u(x)= y ( b ) F ( b ) F ( x ) − 1 F ( x ) ∫ x b z ( t ) F ( t ) f ( t ) dt

for all x∈[a,b]. It is clear that u∈ C 2 [a,b] and

u ′ (x)F(x)+u(x) F ′ (x)= z ( x ) F ( x ) f ( x ) , F ′ (x)= f 1 ( x ) − f ′ ( x ) f ( x ) F(x).


f(x) u ′ (x)+ [ f 1 ( x ) − f ′ ( x ) ] u(x)=z(x),x∈[a,b].

Hence, (2.1) implies that

f(x) u ″ (x)+ f 1 (x) u ′ (x)+ f 2 (x)u(x)=Q(x),x∈[a,b].

Also, we have

| y ( x ) − u ( x ) | = | y ( x ) − y ( b ) F ( b ) F ( x ) + 1 F ( x ) ∫ x b z ( t ) F ( t ) f ( t ) d t | = 1 | F ( x ) | | y ( x ) F ( x ) − y ( b ) F ( b ) + ∫ x b z ( t ) F ( t ) f ( t ) d t | = 1 | F ( x ) | | ∫ x b z ( t ) F ( t ) f ( t ) d t − ∫ x b [ y ( t ) F ( t ) ] ′ d t | = 1 | F ( x ) | | ∫ x b ( z ( t ) F ( t ) f ( t ) − y ′ ( t ) F ( t ) − y ( t ) F ′ ( t ) ) d t | = 1 | F ( x ) | | ∫ x b F ( t ) ( z ( t ) f ( t ) − y ′ ( t ) − f 1 ( t ) − f ′ ( t ) f ( t ) y ( t ) ) d t | ⩽ 1 | F ( x ) | ∫ x b | F ( t ) f ( t ) | | z ( t ) − y ′ ( t ) f ( t ) − [ f 1 ( t ) − f ′ ( t ) ] y ( t ) | d t = 1 | F ( x ) | ∫ x b | F ( t ) f ( t ) | | z ( t ) − g ( t ) | d t ⩽ ε ( b − a ) 1 | F ( x ) | ∫ x b | F ( t ) f ( t ) | d t

for all x∈[a,b]. Since f 1 f ∈C[a,b], there exist constants m ′ and M ′ such that m ′ ⩽ f 1 ( x ) f ( x ) ⩽ M ′ . Thus

{ 1 ⩽ exp { ∫ a x f 1 ( t ) f ( t ) d t } ⩽ e M ′ ( b − a ) if  m ′ ≥ 0 ; e m ′ ( b − a ) ⩽ exp { ∫ a x f 1 ( t ) f ( t ) d t } ⩽ e M ′ ( b − a ) if  m ′ < 0 ⩽ M ′ ; e m ′ ( b − a ) ⩽ exp { ∫ a x f 1 ( t ) f ( t ) d t } ⩽ 1 if  M ′ < 0

for all x∈[a,b]. Since f∈C[a,b] and |f|>0, there exist constants 0<m⩽M such that m⩽|f(x)|⩽M for all x∈[a,b]. Hence, (2.4) implies that

1 M e | m ′ | ( a − b ) ⩽ | F ( x ) | ⩽ 1 m e | M ′ | ( b − a )

for all x∈[a,b]. It follows from (2.3) that

| y ( x ) − u ( x ) | ⩽ ε ( b − a ) 1 | F ( x ) | ∫ x b | F ( t ) f ( t ) | d t ⩽ ε ( b − a ) 2 M m 2 e ( | m ′ | + | M ′ | ) ( b − a )

for all x∈[a,b]. □


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CP was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2012R1A1A2004299) and DYS was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2010-0021792).

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Correspondence to Dong Yun Shin.

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All authors conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, drafted the manuscript, participated in the sequence alignment, and read and approved the final manuscript.

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Abdollahpour, M.R., Najati, A., Park, C. et al. Approximate perfect differential equations of second order. Adv Differ Equ 2012, 225 (2012).

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